
Our Community

In this area of the Kentish website you will find:

  • facts about Kentish
  • information on community organisations and events, and
  • a form where community members can make suggestions about activities, plans or improvements they would like to see considered by Kentish Council

We rely on community members for much of the information included in this part of the website, so if your club or organisation is not included here, or the details are out of date, or you know something is happening that isn't shown here, please click here to send us the details.

Kentish is home to Cradle Mountain; Sheffield: Town of Murals; Railton: Town of Topiary; and the Wilmot Novelty Letterbox Trail. And in between is a collection of the quirkiest attractions you are likely to find. For more information on the region, events, and attractions visit Our Region  or

sheffield Sunset

Image: Sheffield at Sunset / Credit: Kelly Slater