Mayor's Message April 2024

Published 30th April 2024
A message from Mayor Kate Haberle

Mayor’s Message April 2024

Last Thursday was Anzac Day and it was a privilege to attend the Dawn Service at the cenotaph and the morning service in the Town Hall. Both services were very well attended as it gave everyone a chance to reflect of the involvement of our service men and women who displayed courage, dignity, ingenuity and commitment in serving our country in times of war in the past and in combat areas around the world today. I would like to especially acknowledge Felicity Mulchay and Caitlin Rayner who read out their Anzac essays at the services. Their insight and knowledge of the Anzacs were truly outstanding and I was very proud to see our young people reading their essay with such poise, clarity, empathy and depth of understanding. Congratulations, girls.

On Tuesday night, 30th April, the Council will be holding a community meeting at Lower Barrington in the Community Hall at 7.00pm. This is an opportunity for residents to come along and be updated on projects that Council is working on and to ask questions regarding any concerns that you may have in your area. The Wilmot meeting will be held on Thursday 30th May at 7.00pm in the Wilmot Hall.

The Sheffield Bowls Club has had a very successful season. Division 2 and 4 won the North West finals and this enabled them to play off in the State Final. Unfortunately, they did not secure a win but their efforts in winning along the coast is a testament to their dedication and commitment to the sport. Congratulations and best wishes for the next season. The Sheffield Football Club is powering along this season with both men’s teams on top of the ladder in the Seniors and Reserves. It is very pleasing to see our clubs doing well and giving people from all ages an opportunity to be involved in an activity of their choosing and benefit both socially and physically from these exercises.

I attended the celebration for the 87th birthday for the Barrington Hall on Sunday. The hall was full of eager residents both past and present wanting to reconnect with family and friends and walk down memory lane as they looked at all the memorabilia on display. After a few speeches, the cake was cut by longtime residents, Marie and Des Irvine.

A delicious afternoon tea followed all the formalities. The produce swap in the Barrington Hall continues to be a drawcard with a surplus amount of fresh produce being swapped around among the people in attendance. A gold coin donation upon entering always assists in the ongoing costs of maintaining the hall.

Weindorfer Day in Wilmot will be held on the 5th May. A memorial ceremony will be held at 10.00am with the Cradle Trail Tour to Waldheim leaving by bus at 12.15pm. This event is always very well supported with the committee going to great lengths to ensure everyone has a chance to acknowledge and appreciate the majestic Cradle Mountain with its stunning scenery and natural beauty.

The Sheffield Men’s Shed have recently received a $5000 grant from Tas Networks for the purchase of essential tools to complete the many projects that are ongoing at the shed.

Kate Fraser organized a workshop during the holidays for young people wanting to learn to play the harp and the ukelele. This was well attended and culminated with a concert on Friday afternoon where budding musicians displayed their skills which hopefully will continue to develop with more tutoring.

KaLIBA will be holding a special member’s event at Eastford Creek Vineyard on the 15th May. All business owners are cordially invited to attend but will need to purchase your tickets before the event. Please let me know if you would be interested in attending. Businesses in Kentish are automatically registered as members of KaLIBA so this is a wonderful opportunity to meet with other business owners in a social setting.

The weather certainly is cooling off as we draw near to the end of Autumn. I love travelling around the district taking in the beautiful autumn colours on the trees which stand so majestic, showing off their radiant shades of red, brown, yellow and orange. It is mesmerizing and comforting to our soul and spirit.

In remembrance of the fallen as a consequence of war - Lest We Forget.

Kate Haberle, MAYOR